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Bridge overlooking

the Mekong in Cambodia.

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AFD Group

in 2019

With 14.1 billion euros committed in 2019, AFD Group – with its subsidiary Proparco and in connection with the French technical cooperation agency Expertise France – finances and supports development projects in 115 countries. It invests in a more just and a more sustainable world, thanks to a wide range of financial and technical instruments. It is also acting with its partners to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 crisis.

Avec 14,1 milliards d’euros engagés

en 2019, le groupe AFD - avec sa filiale Proparco et en lien avec l’agence française

de coopération technique Expertise

France - finance et accompagne des

projets de développement dans 115 pays.

Il investit dans un monde plus juste et

plus durable grâce à une large palette d’instruments financiers et techniques.

Il agit également avec ses partenaires pour

contrer les effets de la crise du Covid-19.



in annual commitments

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Sao Kunthea, rice producer

in Kampong Thom, Cambodia.

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€            BN

in grants, of which

€0.7 BN delegated

Sao Kunthea, rice producer

in Kampong Thom, Cambodia.

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€              BN


€               BN

Total commitments of AFD Group in 2019

AFD share

Proparco share

€           BN


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€             M

€             M

€            BN

of financial resources

allocated by

the State

of delegated resources,

€581 M of which

is from the EU

of delegated resources, €581 M of which is from the EU


on markets


principally borrowed

on markets

Funds principally borrowed on markets


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of activity

since 2015


For AFD Group, 2019 was a year of accelerated action, the start of many new projects and the updating of its strategies in a world on the move, riddled with tensions and crises. In this context, AFD’s responsiveness has been remarkable.


Its teams have succeeded in combining thorough, long-term work with quick responses to emergencies, notably in the Sahel. The Group continues the process of incorporating the SDGs and 100% climate in its sectoral, geographic and project strategies. It’s a complex process, but this continuous adjustment effort is reinforcing the Group’s influence on the international debate. Today, AFD is seen as a place of innovation and creativity, in connection with the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), and in a context of greater cooperation with more and more diverse partners. The Group’s expansion to include Expertise France will further strengthen its ability to influence.


AFD Group demonstrated its responsiveness in the face of the health crisis, which began largely unnoticed at the end of 2019 and has since rocked the entire world. How to look back on 2019 without mentioning a crisis that continues to wreak such devastation? At the heart of the tumult caused by Covid-19, and at the dawn of a major economic and social crisis whose effects are coming into view, AFD’s teams have demonstrated courage and responsiveness. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I want to salute these efforts and this commitment, and to express our full confidence in the men and women who make up the AFD Group, to meet the challenges ahead.


Laurence Tubiana, President of AFD’s Board of Directors

AFD’s responsiveness has been remarkable

A tenacious quest for impact

In surpassing the targeted commitments of 14 billion euros

in 2019, AFD Group met an unprecedented quantitative

challenge and reached a critical sum, while fulfilling its five

qualitative commitments. First among which is the fight

against climate change and the strengthening of social ties,

above all on the African continent – the Group’s geographical



This growth comes alongside a tenacious search for impact,

to live up to the “new ambition” that the French President

wishes to infuse in France’s development policy. This is the

idea behind the gradual transformation of AFD Group into

an operational platform, open to all partners and mobilizing

actors from the private sector, research and civil society,

to progress together toward sustainable development.


Today, with this strategic direction, the results it has produced

and the exceptional mobilization of its teams throughout the

world, AFD can provide a response to the health, economic

and environmental crises triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This inclusive, low-carbon response falls within the framework

of the “Health in Common” initiative, and is in partnership

with public development banks from around the world,

whom we will assemble in Paris next November.


Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of AFD Group

In surpassing the targeted commitments of 14 billion euros in 2019, AFD Group met an unprecedented quantitative challenge and reached a critical sum, while fulfilling its five qualitative commitments. First among which is the fight against climate change and the strengthening of social ties, above all on the African continent – the Group’s geographical priority.


This growth comes alongside a tenacious search for impact, to live up to the “new ambition” that the French President wishes to infuse in France’s development policy. This is the idea behind the gradual transformation of AFD Group into an operational platform, open to all partners and mobilizing actors from the private sector, research and civil society, to progress together toward sustainable development.


Today, with this strategic direction, the results it has produced and the exceptional mobilization of its teams throughout the world, AFD can provide a response to the health, economic and environmental crises triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. This inclusive, low-carbon response falls within the framework of the “Health in Common” initiative, and is in partnership with public development banks from around the world, whom we will assemble in Paris next November.


Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer of AFD Group


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in the field

In 2019, AFD Group supported 1,072 new development projects.

Three thousand staff and contractors helped implement and realize

our commitments in the field, striving to achieve the Sustainable

Development Goals by 2030.

In 2019, AFD Group supported

1,072 new development projects.

Three thousand staff and

contractors helped implement

and realize our commitments

in the field, striving to achieve

the Sustainable Development

Goals by 2030.


people use a new

or reconditioned lane

or road every day

of drinking water

per day financed

hectares of natural

spaces protected

or restored

people benefited

from better electricity


finance actors


children enrolled in primary

and middle school, of

whom 1.2 M girls

people benefited

from improved

essential services

people will see

improved access

to healthcare




M m3










thanks to projects supported by AFD,

In 2019,

Children in Isare, rural community on

the outskirts of Bujumbura, Burundi.

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to climate adaptation


engagés pour

des projets





Nearly €

committed to projects

which integrate

a gender dimension


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committed to energy projects

€            BN


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in AFD Group’s activity

Three intersecting markers

Children in Isare, rural community

on the outskirts of Bujumbura, Burundi.

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Ban Ki-Moon

« We must mobilize

and leverage the power

of partnerships »

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€             M

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Agriculture and

food security

€             M

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Education and

vocational training

€             M

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Environment and

natural resources

Environment and natural resources

€              M

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Water and


€            BN

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and multisector

€            BN

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Productive sector

€            BN

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Infrastructure and

urban development


    and urban


€            BN

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in all






cannot wait

Gender equality is central to AFD Group’s feminist and “100% social links” commitment. Access to essential services, the fight against gender-based violence, women’s empowerment, the reduction of inequalities in the face of climate issues: all are components in our drive for equality.

Gender equality is central to AFD Group’s feminist and “100% social links” commitment. Access to essential services, the fight against gender-based violence, women’s empowerment, the reduction of inequalities in the face of climate issues: all are components in our drive for equality.


Gender equality

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Proparco : Legacy Girls

College, for a new

generation of women

Pupils at St. Mary middle school in Welivita, Sri Lanka.

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€          M

committed to projects whose main objective concerns gender equality

Pupils at St. Mary middle school in Welivita, Sri Lanka.

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In Cameroon,

overcoming the taboo

of menstruation

Meeting with Olivier Mvondo, one of the founders of KmerPad. This company improves the everyday life of Cameroonian women, with the backing of the FADEV Fund and AFD, thanks to their reusable sanitary napkins.

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100% Paris Agreement

Climate and development are two urgent issues that are inextricably connected. Our objective? Make our projects compatible with the Paris Agreement. In 2019, the fight against climate change represents 51% of our international commitments, with greater efforts made to boost adaptation.


Climate :

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Mauritius: beyond green finance, gender equality

With a 75-million-euro credit line and the support of the EU, the third phase of the SUNREF program promotes employment equality and climate adaptation projects, encouraging green investments.

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energy - thanks

to women

Faced with the lack of electrical connections in the remote rural areas of Myanmar, the NGO, Geres is implementing a project to provide sustainable electricity.

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Stopping violence against women in Central Africa

AFD works with the Pierre Fabre Foundation to build a center for the overall care of women who are victims of violence in Bangui, Central African Republic. It’s a partnership finalized in the presence of Doctor Denis Mukwege, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018.

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of AFD projects take gender into account

Certified teak plantation belonging

to the Proteak company in Mexico

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Guyana is making the most of its biomass

AFD is supporting the construction of a new biomass-based electricity production plant in Guyana. A project which will reduce greenhouse gases produced by the overseas territory.

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«  FGEF has been innovating for the environment for 25 years »

Since 1994, FGEF has been pursuing the same goal: using innovation and shared knowledge to create synergies between environmental conservation and local development, as Secretary-General Stéphanie Bouziges-Eschmann points out.

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In New Caledonia,

France’s largest solar energy storage power

plant (FR)


2019, a decisive year for the Green Climate Fund

In October, Paris hosted a meeting of the Green Climate Fund, which agreed to replenish funding. Report on a pivotal year.

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Wastewater’s new lease of life in Tunisia

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€         BN

in financial commitments

with a co-benefit of

fighting climate change

and its effects


time for action

The foundation of the Sustainable Development Goals, biodiversity, is now at the heart of the international agenda. Climate issues and the conservation of ecosystems are inseparable. In this context, AFD Group is making the preservation of biodiversity a priority, like the fight against climate change.



Biodiversity :

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a sanctuary of biodiversity to

be preserved

The Niassa National Reserve, one of the last preserved wild regions of Africa, has not been spared from poaching. In its commitment to conservation, Mozambique has taken several coordinated measures in an effort to stop the massacres from continuing.

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€          M

devoted to biodiversity

in 2019

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Covid-19 and disruption of the

biosphere: a step into the unknown

Gilles Kleitz, Director of the Ecological Transition department (AFD), and Damien Navizet, Head of the Climate division (AFD), discuss the links between the environmental crisis and the worldwide coronavirus epidemic.

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Since 2006, nearly half of 

Mozambique’s elephants have disappeared.

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Preserving the

oceans: our action

in 4 projects

Support isolated populations, fight pollution, provide incentives for sustainable fishing, support marine protected areas… From Fiji to Togo, a look at four projects financed by AFD.

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Mexico: AFD commits to the management of marine resources

AFD will support the Mexican national program for the conservation of marine biodiversity. Jean-Yves Le Drian made the announcement during a visit to Mexico City on Thursday, December 19, 2019.

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Nature-based solutions in Northern China

The successful restoration of wetland areas in Changyuanhe, China, shows the benefits of nature-based solutions in the face of climate change, and their ability to help preserve ecosystems.

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All Africa,

our top priority

Demographic, social, ecological, energy, political and technological transitions make up the many challenges for emerging African economies. The continent’s development is at the heart of AFD Group’s effort to bring about a change of outlook and renewed ties with France and Europe.

Transitions démographique, sociale, écologique, énergétique, politique, technologique… Les défis sont nombreux pour les pays africains en pleine émergence. Le développement du continent s’inscrit au cœur de l’action du groupe AFD qui milite pour une conversion des regards et un lien renouvelé avec la France et l’Europe.

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Making medicine affordable: the role of the private sector

Africa accounts for only 3% of global pharmaceutical production but the majority of available medicine is counterfeit. The private sector has a decisive role to play in providing access to affordable, quality health products.

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« The economic development of Africa will not happen without women (FR) »

It is essential to give African women the means for their empowerment. By Rima Le Coguic, Director, Africa Department, AFD.

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« France, through AFD, remains entirely committed to global health »

AFD and the Global Fund have signed a partnership agreement to end pandemics and build durable health systems in West and Central Africa, where these challenges are particularly prevalent.

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What are the initial results for Choose Africa?

Djalal Khimdjee, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Proparco, gives an initial assessment of Choose Africa, the AFD Group’s global initiative dedicated to African start-ups, micro-enterprises and SMEs.

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AFD Africa Atlas – Another view of the continent (FR)

The goal of this atlas? To see Africa differently, up close in the field and through its current events.

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water matters

To highlight 20 years of AFD Group’s commitments in Uganda, three talented Ugandan photographers set out to meet people who are benefiting from AFD projects in the domain of access to water, a Group priority in the country.

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In Kenya, the ADMI School has opened two degree

programs in the fields of audiovisual creation.

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of commitments in Africa

in 2019 have climate


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of AFD Group activity

is concentrated

in Africa


1 bilion euros

for the Sahel

There can be no development without peace, nor stability without development. In the Sahelian belt, AFD Group acts more than ever through partnerships, notably with the Sahel Alliance. AFD takes action in connection with French defense and diplomatic players, and in collaboration with civil society organizations and our international partners. France set up a financing tool in May 2017, which serves to support projects to consolidate peace, such as the Minka Sahel Peace and Resilience fund, implemented by AFD.

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Sahel map

with distribution of commitments by country

See distribution

Scholastique Sawadogo, officer of the National

Water and Sanitation Office of Burkina Faso.

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More than


Implemented between

2018 and 2022 by

the Sahel


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€         M

for 61 projects to consolidate

peace made possible by

the Minka fund

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22 projects in photos  and in results (FR)

The majority of these projects are being carried out in some of the most vulnerable regions in the Sahel.

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Double access to energy by 2022 (FR)

Access to energy in the Sahel is a major issue. A look back at the solutions that have been implemented in a sector that is essential for the region’s development.

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Thematic breakdown

of commitments to urban

development and support

for local authorities


Thematic breakdown

of commitments to

urban development and support for local

authorities (2019)

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3 strategy accelerators

(Smart City, innovation

laboratories, partnerships)

3 strategy accelerators

(Smart City,

innovation laboratories,


trait 10


Investment programs

for local authorities

Investment programs for local authorities

trait 9


Support for decentralization

trait 8


Facilities for mid-size cities

Facilities for mid-size cities

trait 7


Services in cities in crisis

Services in cities

in crisis

trait 6

Improvement and integration of precarious neighborhoods

Improvement and integration of precarious neighborhoods

trait 5


Enhancement of heritage and renewal of city centers

Enhancement of heritage and renewal of city centers

trait 4


Access to employment and local economic development

Access to employment and local economic development

trait 3


Construction and renovation of housing


and renovation

of housing

trait 2


Solid waste management

trait 1


Basic urban


Basic urban services

rond 01



sustainable cities

AFD is supporting the low-carbon

transition of cities and their adaptation

to climate change. It is seeking to improve

citizens’ quality of life, supporting the

sustainable development of regions

and helping city actors to meet the

challenges of urban growth, social

inequalities and regional vulnerabilities.

View over downtown Medellín,

from the 13 de Noviembre neighborhood.

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Benin: a new life for “the Venice of Africa” (FR)

The Beninese government is beginning an ambitious preservation and renovation program of the lakeside village of Ganvié, the “Venice of Africa.” At its heart, a better environment for the inhabitants and plans to develop the tourism sector.

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will see an improved quality

of life thanks to projects

approved in 2019

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€         BN


for sustainable cities, of which €598 M for urban projects carried out in Africa

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Plan sustainable urban development in India with CITIIS

Public development




Public development banks play a key role in reorienting financial flows toward sustainable investments - an issue to which the Finance in Common Summit will strive to respond. It will confirm the crucial role of public development banks in sustaining economies affected by the Covid-19 crisis while ensuring the promotion of a sustainable recovery.

Public development banks play a key role in reorienting financial flows toward sustainable investments - an issue to which the Finance in Common Summit will strive to respond. It will confirm the crucial role of public development banks in sustaining economies affected by the Covid-19 crisis while ensuring the promotion of a sustainable recovery.

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Finance in Common: the 1st summit to gather the 450 public development banks

The Finance in Common summit will take place in November 2020 and aims to promote united action for the climate and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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The formation of a coalition of public development banks will promote coherent and complementary responses to global issues. This effort to pool our challenges, our objectives and our strengths is all the more urgent as Covid-19 exacerbates inequalities around the world.

The formation of a coalition of public development banks will promote coherent and complementary responses to global issues. This effort to pool our challenges, our objectives and our strengths is all the more urgent as Covid-19 exacerbates inequalities around the world.

Audrey Rojkoff, 

Audrey Rojkoff, 

Secretary General of the Finance in Common summit


Secretary General of the Finance in Common summit

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of the volume of global annual financing is invested by public development banks

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AFD – KfW Agreement:

the Franco-German duo join forces in solidarity-based investment (FR)

AFD Group

in the face of Covid-19

In 2020, AFD Group’s priority is to respond to the Covid-19 crisis to contain the health, social and economic consequences in the countries where it operates. Most notably, it has launched the “Health in Common” initiative to support health systems in the most fragile States.

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AFD’s response to the Covid-19 crisis

Since March 2020, AFD Group has been mobilizing to provide responses to the health and economic emergency, and to transform the French government’s commitments into action to support the priority countries of French official development assistance.

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Covid-19: the health crisis is deepening inequalities everywhere (FR)

Covid-19 is a human and health crisis, but also a socioeconomic one. An overview of the approaching crisis of inequalities with AFD’s Research Department.

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the ecological origins of Covid-19 (FR)

In this series focusing on the links between Covid-19 and the environment, agronomists Julien Calas and Léa Lugassy retrace, with economist Etienne Espagne, the ecological origins of the health crisis.

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€    M

in emergency support for five Pasteur Institutes in West Africa.

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 « A time

to rethink


trajectories »

The impact of the health crisis on the global economy is considerable, above all in developing countries. What, then, is the role of donors? Analysis with Thomas Mélonio, Director of Innovation, Research and Knowledge (AFD).

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in Kinshasa, DRC.

Nurse at the Monkole Hospital

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group finances, supports and accelerates transitions toward a more coherent and resilient world. With our partners, we are building shared solutions, with and for the people of the South.


Our teams are engaged in more than 4,000 projects in 115 countries and Overseas Departments and Territories, in the field and in regions in crisis. We work to promote global public goods – the climate, biodiversity, peace, gender equality, education and health. We therefore contribute to the commitment of France and the French people to the Sustainable Development Goals. For a world in common.

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des Roches in Mauritius.

Wind farm on the Plaine

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Editorial and

graphic design :


Opening: Greg Mo/NOI Pictures;

AFD Group in 2019: Antoin Raab;

Results in the field: Kibuuka Mukisa Oscar; Gender equality cannot wait: Reza Akram; KmerPad; Aung Naing Oo; Fabien Dubessay; Pierre Terdjman; Climate: 100% Paris

Agreement: Alfredo Durante; DR;

Biodiversity: time for action: Guillaume

Le Bris; Chiara Frisone; Félix Vigné/Imagéo;

Félix Vigné; Zhang Huijie; All Africa, our top

priority: AFD-Cultural Video Production LTDFredrick Ochieng; Kibuuka Mukisa

Oscar; Jjumba Martin; 1 billion euros

for the Sahel: Roland Zanré; Keïta; Roland Zanré; Tomorrow’s sustainable

cities: Benjamin Petit; Stéphane

Brabant; AFD Group in the face

of Covid-19: Patricia Willocq;

Patricia Willocq; Isabelle Bonillo;

Boilerplate: Fabien Dubessay.

Photo credits :
From left to right and from top to bottom

Development :
